H2Ocean Aquarium Marine Salt เกลือสำหรับตู้ทะเล (6.6kg, 22kg)

2810 250331231327889
  • 1รีวิว
  • ฿1,280.00-2,980.00
  • ขนาด:
  • เกลือ H2Ocean เกลือสำหรับตู้ทะเล
    • เกลือสำหรับตู้เทะเล แร่ธาตุครบ

    D-D The Aquarium Solution สูตร Dosing เป็นสูตรที่พัฒนาขึ้นใหม่ สำหรับผู้ที่เลี้ยงปะการังโดยเฉพาะ ที่ไม่ต้องการค่าแร่ธาตุในปริมาณสูง เพราะได้มีการคุมค่าต่างๆไว้แล้ว อาจจะด้วย เครื่อง Calcium Reactor หรือมีการ Dosing KH กับ Ca ด้วยเครื่อง Doser อยู่แล้ว

    Compare the analysis and Calcium and Magnesium levels are still similar to the Pro recipe at 435 and 1320mg/l versus 440 and 1340mg/l, but KH is a lot lower with a range of 7.8-8.2 with the Dosing Formula, versus 9.3-10.3 for the Pro.


    H2Ocean Pro+ is a pro formula aquarium salt with a strong reputation for quality and consistant parameters, producing fantastic results for reef hobbyists around the world.

    Produced by a solar evaporative process, this produces a totally natural base salt where all of the main and trace elements are in complete balance as nature intended.

    The pure natural salt is then specially enhanced for aquarium use by elevating specific elements that over time become depleted, such as calcium and magnesium which are used by corals and coralline algae for growth.

    Now with new bucket design including robust metal handle on the 23kg bucket and tamper resistant lid.

    Natural Salt

    H2Ocean is a pro formula aquarium salt - produced by a solar evaporative process which produces a totally natural base salt where all of the main and trace elements are in complete balance as nature intended.

    The pure natural salt is then specially enhanced for aquarium use by elevating specific elements that over time become depleted, such as calcium and magnesium which are used by corals and coralline algae for growth. 

    Its natural origin ensures that the salt contains all 70 main and trace elements in the correct proportions mixed to a homogeneous blend by nature.

    Balanced Formula

    In nature there is a natural balance between the calcium, alkalinity and magnesium levels. Many salts are found to be either unnaturally high in calcium or high in alkalinity and therefore with these salts either extra buffer or extra calcium is required to be added to return the natural balance.

    With H2Ocean Pro+ the calcium and alkalinity are in the correct ratios keeping the ionic balance in equilibrium with natural levels which is so important for healthy coral growth.

    Optimum Chemistry & Low Hydration

    The formulation for H2Ocean+ salt has been continually developed by D-D following over many years. The salt is designed to dissolve quickly and easily and to have a specific chemistry which in our opinion is the optimum formulation to maintain a healthy reef and allow regular water changes whilst maintaining a natural balance.   

    Calcium and magnesium levels are boosted to replace that used up through coral growth within the aquarium whereas chloride levels are slightly lowered to allow post additions of calcium and magnesium chloride with a minimized affect on the chloride balance.


    Low Hydration Salt

    H2Ocean Pro+ Formula has an extremely low hydration level compared to many other salts.

    This is achieved through production under strictly controlled conditions to prevent water from the atmosphere from being absorbed into the salt so that kilo for kilo you get more salt and less water in your pack.


    Magnesium Pro Plus Formula

    Many salts concentrate on boosting calcium levels and ignore magnesium levels. Maintenance of the correct magnesium concentration is equally important in a reef aquarium and will make it much easier to maintain stable calcium, pH and alkalinity.  

    Salt Parameters

    When mixed to a salinity  1.0264 S.G @ 25c = 35 ppt

    Mixing & Salinity Measurement

    The volume of salt water that can be made from a single bucket of salt will depend on the final salinity that the salt solution is mixed to. See side of bucket for details.

    For a reef aquarium we suggest mixing to a salinity of 35.0 ppt and recommend the use of the new D-D Portable SEAWATER refractometer for accurate and consistent measurement of the salinity of your salt solution.


    Typical Water Volumes / Pack

    6.6Kg Tub for 165 - 200 lts (14.55 lbs for 43-52 US Gallons)
    23Kg Bucket for 592 - 702 lts (50.7 lbs for 156 - 185 US Gallons)


    Use of RO Water

    H2Ocean Pro+ salt is recommended for use with Reverse Osmosis water or soft water with a calcium level below 30 mg/l.

    As the calcium level in H2Ocean+ is already enhanced to 440 mg/l then mixing with hard tap water which contains additional calcium may raise the concentration above normal recommended levels and cause the calcium to precipitate out of solution.  

    RO water removes undesirable ions like phosphate and nitrate from your tap water which otherwise would contribute to nuisance algae in your aquarium. D-D manufactures a range of Reverse Osmosis units.  

    Voted Best in Test By Practical Fishkeeping Magazine

    "At 35ppt this salt is the closest to natural seawater in our test, and at 35.5ppt it has even higher calcium and magnesium levels without dropping the alkalinity too much. It dissolves quickly and is perfect for those who don’t want to mess around with supplements."

    H2Ocean is an excellent all-rounder that has the added advantage of having its levels of calcium, alkalinity and magnesium at the right level for reef tanks. 

    All tests considered, this was the best marine salt in our lab test.

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    *ราคาบน Marketplace ด้านบน อาจจะสูงกว่าเดิมเล็กน้อย เนื่องจากมีค่าธรรมเนียมเพิ่มเติม





1 รีวิว
โดย ศิริชัย เมื่อ 30 ก.ค. 2564 08:55:16


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