How to Make Payment

When placing an order with TailyBuddy, you have a choice of 6 different payment options.

1. Credit/Debit Card

The fastest, safest, and most immediate method of payment is this one. You can complete the entire process at home. VISA and Mastercard from all banks are the cards we accepted.

2. QR Code Cash

The newest quick and simple method of payment is as simple as opening your Banking App and scanning a QR code. You don't have to send any slips to us.

3. QR Code Credit Card

The newest quick and simple method of payment is as simple as opening your Credit Card App and scanning a QR code. You don't have to send any slips to us.
*Now we have supported forCiti, SCB, KTC and Krungsri

4. Bank Transfer/ATM/Mobile Banking

You can transfer money through the banking system in a straightforward and comfortable way, as explained below.

  • KASIKORNBANK 007-8-52146-5
  • Bangkok Bank 877-7-21072-8
  • Siam Commercial Bank 406-6-86991-7
  • Bank of Ayudhya 670-1-20128-4
  • Krung Thai Bank 984-1-62855-4
5. Cash On Delivery

When our team delivers the package to your house, you can pay.

6. Rabbit LINE Pay

In Thailand, LINE is incredibly well-liked. With LINE Pay, payments may also be made.

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