EHEIM SYNTH, Mechanical Filter Media, Filter wadding for fine filtration as last filter layer
Salifert Carbonate Hardness (Kh/Alk) Test Kit - Premium liquid test kit for precise nitrate measurement in aquariums (60 Tests)
Hikari Lionhead Easy Digested Diets, A Live Food Alternative For All Fancy Goldfish
Prodibio Stop_Ammo - natural plant extract which effective neutralises ammonia and reduces the production of nitrites in aquarium (1box, 30 vials)
Hikari Micro Pellets for Tetras, Barbs and Other Small-Mouthed Tropical Fish, Semi-Floating (22g. , 45g.)
Hikari Sinking Wheat-Germ, daily diet for koi and other pond fish, including goldfish, Sinking Type, medium pellet (500g, 5Kg)
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