Chelasol-Poul Try Oral Liquid Organic Mineral (100ml)
4572 250301071202196- Write Your First Review?
- ฿100.00
- *Expiry Date: 25 Jul 26
Oral Liquid Organic MineralCalcium 5,000 mgMagnesium 5,000 mgPotassium 5,000 mgIron 4,000 mgZinc 2,500 mgMaganese 3,000 mgCopper 1,000 mgCobalt 10 mgAdministration and dosage:Orally or dissolved in the drinking waterPoultry:Breeder use 1-2 ml per 1 liters of drinkingwater for up to 5 days, Layer and Broileruse 1-2 ml per 1 liters of drinking waterfor up to 5 days.Made in Thailandโดย ไชยรัตน์ ฟาร์มชอพ
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