Seachem Flourish Potassium - Potassium Supplement for the Planted Aquarium

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  • ฿400.00-1,100.00
  • Flourish Potassium™contains 50,000 mg/L of potassium suitable for the natural planted aquarium. Potassium is one of several elements that are vitally important to maintaining a vigorous level of growth in a planted aquarium. Potassium can become depleted in a rapidly growing system or when the source water has a low mineral content. In these cases potassium could become the limiting factor to growth. Use Flourish Potassium™ to prevent potassium depletion (signs of which include yellowing in older leaves) and maintain the highest level of growth.


    Use 1 capful (5 mL) for every 125 L (30 US gallons). This dose raises potassium by 2 mg/L. Repeat 2–3 times per week or as needed in response to signs of potassium deficiency in older leaves which include: chlorosis (yellowing), necrosis (death/browning), pinholes in leaves, and weak stems and roots.

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