Returns & Refunds Policy (After Sale Policy)

Everything on our website is returnable and refundable within 7 days, as detailed below.

Acceptable return reasons

To be eligible for return, returned item(s) and its packaging must be in the following

How to return an item(s)

  1. Take photos of the item(s) that customer wishes to return and send to TailyBuddy via Contact Us
  2. Ship the item(s) to
    Taily Buddy Co., Ltd.

    9/5 soi. Ratchadaphisek 18, Ratchadaphisek road, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310

  3. Customer may take care for the shipping cost at first, When TailyBuddy receipt the item(s), We will return money back to you


When TailyBuddy receive the item(s) We will process refund in 7 days depend on payment method as detail below

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